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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Central Florida/Greater Orlando Edition: April 2020

“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.”  ~ Alice Morse Earle

During these stressful times, it is easy to get caught up worrying about the unknown. My doctor friend, Dr. Will Tuttle, shared the best investigative journalism I have seen so far re: COVID. On YouTube, just search: Highwire News with Del Bigtree. I watched the Episode: Trump vs Fauci: Battle of Agendas. As of 3/27/20, I found this enormously helpful in understanding what’s going on with this pandemic. (Note: There is a one-minute delay when starting to watch it.) I believe this information will help you make important decisions. As usual, it is alarming how mainstream media often distorts scientific facts. A must watch!

Also, please remember our magazine is always available online at We have quickly compiled a link to many past articles which support the immune system. There is a wealth of information offering DIY and natural remedies, too.

Of course, due to social distancing, our calendar pages are minimal. Please call ahead before attending.

Speaking of minimal, this is the perfect time to slow down, meditate, practice deep breathing, reduce stress. Beware: Stress-related deaths are greater than this virus. For me, I find turning off mainstream media (especially corporate TV which is primarily funded by Big Pharma) and embracing a simple lifestyle helps. This lifestyle has been my norm for decades. For my diet, I have ramped up immune-boosting ingredients such as plenty of filtered water (1 gallon) with fresh lemon. Ginger, clove, thyme, turmeric and protein-packed green powder (found at health food stores) for smoothies and meals are also included.

This is also a good time for Spring cleaning and de-cluttering. Check out “A Home That Heals” on creating a nurturing space (p 18).

Finally, let’s start a much needed epidemic of healthy living, compassion and global love (animals
and environment included). Dr. Tuttle also shares: “These can be challenging times and we send our love and appreciation to you for shining the light of compassion in our world, and spreading the healthy virus of benevolent and mindful living. While the virus of fear can seem daunting,
we can cultivate our inner resources. Together, we are making a positive difference in our world, and we are an unstoppable force!”

Yes! We are all in this together—and when we practice positive change, together we will evolve
stronger, healthier and happier.

To Better Days Ahead,


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