Deepak Chopra
Nov 30, 2023 09:30AM ● By Kimberly Whittle
Deepak Chopra, M.D., is a pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine
and one of the most inspiring philosophers of our time. He is the
founder of The Chopra Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to research on
well-being and humanitarianism, and Chopra Global, a health company at
the intersection of science and spirituality. Chopra also is a clinical
professor of family medicine and public health at the University of
California San Diego and serves as a senior scientist with Gallup
Organization. He has authored more than 90 books translated into more
than 43 languages, including numerous bestsellers. Chopra collaborated
with Jack Tuszynski, Ph.D., a physicist, and Brian Fertig, M.D., an
endocrinologist, on his latest book, Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life.
What inspired you to write this book?
is a celebration of the most surprising turn in my life. When I was
practicing medicine at an exhaustive, hectic pace more than 30 years
ago, I started meditating and had a life-changing breakthrough vision of
a human body shimmering as a visual image—the quantum mechanical body. I
became a writer, and my book, Quantum Healing, gave me my first
boost. But at the time, the topic of meditation was considered fringe.
Thirty-seven years later, the fringe has moved to the center, and new
studies are overturning long-held mainstream medical beliefs. Hence, the
time seemed right to take a second bite of the apple.
What do you mean by the quantum body?
physical body is an activity in consciousness. You experience your body
through the five senses. Physical reality is experienced in the field
of awareness that is outside of our body, and the field of awareness
inside our body is called the interoceptive awareness. Meditation helps
us transcend our physical and mental body and is the spirit of
consciousness. Pure consciousness is the source of mind-body and the
universe. The causal body is the source of every experience we have; it
is your soul and the same thing as your quantum body. Quantum body
exists to bring about all the healing needed at every level.
How can we modulate our epigenetic activity and restore homeostasis to reduce stress and inflammation?
and body are inseparably one. Increase your sensitivity to
interoception and the whole of your inner and outer being will be
affected. You can do this through meditation, practicing vagal
breathing, doing yoga and improving your sedentary lifestyle. The
greatest gift of self-awareness is to live with love, truth, beauty and
bliss as your goal. Ultimate well-being requires no less.
Why is the quantum model for well-being important, and how do you plan to reach a critical mass of participants?
everyone is taking sides and is in conflict because they don’t agree
with the perspective of others. As long as you engage in recycling
trauma, the trauma leads to inflammation and disease in the body and in
mental disorders. We have an inflamed world and will never solve this
problem by any one side becoming the victor, because the
intergenerational trauma will last for hundreds, if not thousands, of
This is the history of humanity since we were hunters
and gatherers. Now the same tribal mindset spells extinction. We are
sleepwalking to extinction unless we wake up. There is no hope for
climate change, social and economic justice, racism, prejudice, health
or joy. We need to cool down the world’s inflammation by starting with
ourselves and creating an ecosystem where we can bring peace to our own
families, social environment, ecosystem of relationships and
communities; then we can reach a critical mass. A lot of people do agree
that consciousness is a field and that we can aspire to a more
peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier and joyful world.
The Chopra Foundation has
launched two programs. The Certification in the Soul of Leadership is
about how you become a spiritual leader, which I have taught at Kellogg
[School of Management at Northwestern University] and Columbia
[University] and given talks about at Harvard [University]. We received a
grant to offer it free of charge. The other certification, Becoming a
Peace as the Way Facilitator, is only $9.99. If you can’t afford
it, we give it for free. If you focus on these two things and get the
critical mass of people out there, the change we want to see in the
world will happen.
That you exist should be a perpetual
surprise, and you should be full of gratitude for existence itself. That
is the most holy and sacred experience that we can have. What I am
grateful for is that I exist.
Certification courses can be found at To join the Quantum Body book discussion group, visit
Kimberly Whittle is the founder and CEO of KnoWEwell, P.B.C. and the CEO of Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation.