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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Bodywork for Abdominal Health

Aug 31, 2023 09:31AM ● By Gay Lacy, LMT
Problems with large and small intestines, stomach, liver, gallbladder and kidneys can be helped with bodywork. Bodywork includes so much more than just muscular massage. Not knowing what it feels like, the first thing you may think is that it would be uncomfortable. But it is not. Abdominal Bodywork is gentle.

For abdominal health, visceral (viscera is organ) manipulation and lymph drainage therapy are a great combination to bring the body closer to wellness.  Visceral Manipulation (VM) frees the movement of each organ allowing it to function better.  How can this help? I've had clients that started having gallbladder flutters and after one session, they were immediately eliminated.  I've had a client that had acid reflux most of her adult life and after 3 sessions, it was gone and she was able to get off her prescription for it. Some clients have elimination problems.  This work can really help! Low back pain can sometimes be kidneys being stretched too far. If one organ is adhered to another, it’s rocking motion is compromised. Gentle corrections and your body feels more at ease.  VM can reset each organs’ natural rhythm.

Listening techniques allow the practitioner to know where to start. Usually no more than 3 organs are assisted in any given treatment.  Locating a clients’ organ takes skill and practice.  Many of us are not anatomically “by the book” perfect.  Gentle hands-on with the organ and a learned practitioner can find and hold the organ. Most releases are quick: our bodies are amazing.

After a treatment of VM, LDT is a great follow-up.  Lymph Drainage (rhymes with massage) Therapy (LDT) clears congested circulation and brings fresh, oxygen-rich circulation into the abdomen and to the organs in a very specific, gentle way. LDT cleans and detoxes your body through a series of lymph nodes and safely returns this fluid, your lymph, to your blood.  This reduces swelling and water-weight. It also clears the lymph nodes to process more toxins and tissue debris, increasing your immune response. Always listening with the hands and connecting to the fluid of the body, the practitioner follows the precise direction of the individuals’ lymph flow patterns.  Congested areas become evident with practiced palpations skills.

Additional Blockages can include:

Reasons for congestion include traumas, surgeries, scars, tight clothes, stress and toxins.  There are many tools to clear congestion and speed the lymph flow. Specific scar release techniques, for instance, enhance flow through scars and make them less constrictive.  Abdominal scars can cause pulling, numbing and the feeling that they're not part of your body.  LDT can make scars feel more like your skin, eliminate or reduce the pull and free up organs or the abdominal wall to move naturally.  

LDT can be used specifically on liver, kidneys, lungs, pleura and the large and small intestines as well as the abdominal and uteral cavities. It clears stagnant fluid and brings new circulations deep within the organs and abdominal cavity. It eases up tension you didn't know you had! It can also relieve pain and tone the parasympathetic system.

For 20+ yrs, Gay Lacy is a Florida-Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT MA27181 / MM 34805) wjth many specialties/credentials. She has also created a technique called Muscle Lymph Therapy (MeLT).  Support your abdominal easily, and contact her at or call/text 407.718.5326.
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