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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

The Gifts of Our Fear

This pandemic may be the most important spiritual lesson we encounter during our Earth time.

If we can remember to be present in the moment of fear, we can accept its gift. What gift could fear possibly have? Perhaps it’s the gift of being mindful that we are not our bodies. It may be the awareness that we are spiritual beings: Eternal, immortal and everlasting expressions of perfect love.

As immortal souls, we cannot be hurt, we cannot suffer and we cannot die.

If we accept our mission as co-creators, we can consciously choose to create peace, calm and kindness in the middle of chaos.

The natural result of living in the moment is inner harmony. Joy comes to us as we connect with our God-mind.

It doesn’t work to “try” NOT to feel our fear. We must feel it, love ourselves because we feel it,
and then lovingly surrender it to whatever we call our Higher Power: God, the Universe, Source, our Creator, Perfect Love. This is true “letting go.”

As we release the fear, we become channels of love. What greater gift is there than to use our free will to choose to be a channel of peace? This is our destiny, but it is also our choice. Why not choose the gifts now?

Diane Ross, M.A., Certified Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner and author of Meditations for Miracles
and Five Steps to Freedom, is accepting phone clients while we are confined to our homes. Many of you know Diane from her monthly classes held at The Winter Park Public Library. Visit: or call 407-898-7918.

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