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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Gay Lacy Supports Local Food Banks — You Can, Too!

Gay Lacy, Licensed Massage Therapist for 24 years, is giving a portion of proceeds to our local food banks. How can you help yourself and help others at the same time? Get some massages! When you buy any package of massages, $20 will be donated to food banks. She offers 50-, 70- or 90-minute options. Safety Protocols must—and will—be followed.

What do you need most? She offers: TMJ release to reduce jaw tension:
  • Muscle relaxation to reduce tension in your shoulders, neck and back
  • Visceral Manipulation for adrenals and kidneys 
  • Reiki for chakra balancing 
  • Expert bodywork incorporating lymph drainage, organ bodywork, cranio-sacral, reflexology with aromatherapy oils.
As you follow your own intuition, keeping yourself safe will be easier. For more info: or for an appointment call or text: Gay Lacy, LMT (MA#27181) at

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